Friday, March 16, 2007

Is Mesotherapy A Treatment Worth Seeking?

I can understand very well that reducing cellulite through the natural way such as following a set of exercises can be just too much to bear for some of us.

So recently I started searching and reading up on some of the latest treatments available out there that have proven themselves to be highly effective...and I came across this latest treatment called Mesotherapy.

This treatment was apparently introduced in the United States in the late 1990s and subsequently made popular by the French doctor Dr Lionel Bissoon.

This procedure involves delivering a series of micro injections that sends "medicinal bullets" into the targetted area's middle layer skin to treat the condition.

Read all about this widely used treatment in his website at

So is it worth trying? All I can say is that since it is backed by countless success stories, it should not be given a miss, especially for those who have the means.
