What actually is Cellulite?
To start off in the right direction, let's understand what is cellulite.
Cellulite is a common term used to describe the accumulation of fatty tissue beneath one's skin that makes one's skin look lumpy & dimpled.
A simple test to see if one has cellulite is to pinch the skin around the thigh area & see if it looks lumpy. If it is, one most likely has it. For an idea of how cellulite looks like, take a good look at the picture below... Cellulite can be found in one's thigh, bottom and abdomen areas and occurs in women as well as men, regardless of weight or size. Factors that affects the presence of cellulite & how much of it includes one's genes, age and skin thickness. Gender & one's hormones are also contributing factors, which explains why more women than men have cellulite. All these factors determines the amount of cellulite or it's degree of visibility.
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